Forced Migration, Digital Technology and Health

Project: Applied Research

Project Details


This project proposes an interdisciplinary, innovative and ethnographically rich study of Syrian refugees in Italy and Greece. Combining ethnographic fieldwork with digital data collection, we examine the crucial, but often neglected, links between health and digital technology in the context of forced migration and displacement. Syrians have faced severe health challenges in Italy and Greece. Faced with poor service provision, inadequate reception facilities, lack of benefits, employment difficulties and insecure legal status, the COVID-19 health pandemic further increased their precariousness. The digital realm is crucial in this context: refugees rely on digital technology in their migration and health strategies, and service providers, too, use digital communication methods. Recognizing the central position that health and digital technology occupy in refugees' lived experiences of migration, we ask: What is the status and context of health provision to Syrian refugees in Italy and Greece? How does the biopolitical nexus of health and technology shape refugees’ experiences and strategies of migration and well-being? How can health services for refugees be improved? Beyond advancing academic knowledge on the topic, our project’s findings will contribute to policy, humanitarian and developmental praxis by advancing the debate on health inequalities and social justice for refugees and migrants.

Submitting Institute Name

Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU)
Sponsor's Award NumberVPR-TG01-002
Proposal IDHBKU-OVPR-TG-01-2
Effective start/end date1/06/2130/06/24

Primary Theme

  • Social Progress

Primary Subtheme

  • SP - Ethics & Policy

Secondary Theme

  • None

Secondary Subtheme

  • None


  • None


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