Physical Layer Security for Power Line Communications

Project: Applied Research

Project Details


PHYSICAL LAYER SECURITY FOR POWER LINE COMMUNICATIONS The project plans to perform a comprehensive investigation of the security of PLC systems, focusing on the protection of information. The team will propose security solutions that are tailored for PLC devices, which are limited in terms of processing capability. The proposed solutions will strike the right tradeoff between the security level and the capabilities of these devices. They will extend their work and preliminary results to design and implement innovative lightweight cryptographic algorithms and non-cryptographic solutions to provide security services that are suitable for PLC systems and addressing the issues of confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and availability. The team will focus on implementing solutions with a clear objective for industrial adoption. Some of the possible outcomes include, but are not limited to: •Reliability enhancement for PLC signals and protocols •Lightweight authentication scheme based on multiple factors •Lightweight cryptographic algorithms to secure the communication within PLC systems with respect to data confidentiality, integrity, availability and source authentication •Developing anomaly detection schemes, statistical and artificial intelligence-based, which can benefit from the physical layer, in addition to the existing schemes at the data link layer and network layer •Dynamic Channel Selection in FCC band for NB-PLC for Noise

Submitting Institute Name

Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU)
Sponsor's Award NumberSRO-Iberdrola-1221-002
Proposal IDEX-Iberdrola-QSTP-1
Effective start/end date9/12/2131/12/23

Primary Theme

  • Artificial Intelligence

Primary Subtheme

  • AI - Smart Cities

Secondary Theme

  • None

Secondary Subtheme

  • None


  • None


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