A Fast and Compact Deep Gabor Network for Micro-Doppler Signal Processing and Human Motion Classification

Hoang Thanh Le*, Son Lam Phung, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum

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12 Citations (Scopus)


With the advances in radar technology, there is an increasing interest in radar-based applications for automated surveillance, tracking, and recognition. Radars capture the Doppler-induced frequency shifts, which can be utilized to recognize the small motions by vibrating or rotating parts of the target. This paper introduces a fast and compact deep Gabor neural network for human motion classification using backscattered signals from a continuous-wave Doppler radar. The joint time-frequency representation produced by the S-method is employed to depict the micro-Doppler signature of a walking person. We introduce a new Gabor layer as a generic feature extractor for designing compact neural architectures. Each Gabor layer consists of several steerable Gabor filters that can be trained to extract the salient micro-Doppler features and improve computation efficiency. For human motion classification from a distance, the Deep Gabor Network (DGN) is trained in an end-to-end manner to process the local patches in the time-frequency representation of the radar signal. A Bayesian optimization technique is employed to select the optimal network hyperparameters. The experimental results on a real radar dataset show that the proposed method achieves competitive classification rates compared to several existing approaches while having a significantly smaller model size and shorter prediction time.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)23085-23097
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Sensors Journal
Issue number20
Publication statusPublished - 15 Oct 2021


  • Deep Gabor Network
  • S-method
  • micro-Doppler radar
  • radar signal classification


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