A Single Test Protocol to Establish the Full Spectrum of Exercise Intensity Prescription

Danilo Iannetta, Mary Z. Mackie, Daniel A. Keir, Juan M. Murias

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IANNETTA, D., M. Z. MACKIE, D. A. KEIR, and J. M. MURIAS. A Single Test Protocol to Establish the Full Spectrum of Exercise Intensity Prescription. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 55, No. 12, pp. 2271-2280, 2023. Via the identification of the ramp-specific gas exchange threshold (GET) and respiratory compensation point (RCP), the recently validated step-ramp-step (SRS) protocol enables the prediction of the power outputs at the lactate threshold and maximal metabolic steady state. Purpose: We aimed to test the extended capabilities of the SRS protocol by validating its capacity to predict the power outputs for targeted metabolic rates ((VO2)-V-center dot) and time-to-task failure (T-lim) within the heavy-and severe-intensity domain, respectively. Methods: Fourteen young individuals completed (i) an SRS protocol from which the power outputs at GET and RCP (RCPCORR), and the work accruable above RCPCORR, defined as W '(RAMP), were derived; (ii) one heavy-intensity bout at a power output predicted to elicit a targeted (VO2)-V-center dot equidistant from GET and RCP; and (iii) four severe-intensity trials at power outputs predicted to elicit targeted T-lim at minutes 2.5, 5, 10, and 13. These severe-intensity trials were also used to compute the constant-load-derived critical power and W<acute accent> (W '(CONSTANT)). Results: Targeted (2.41 +/- 0.52 L<middle dot>min(-1)) and measured (2.43 +/- 0.52 L<middle dot>min(-1)) (VO2)-V-center dot at the identified heavy-intensity power output (162 +/- 43 W) were not different (P = 0.71) and substantially concordant (CCC = 0.95). Likewise, targeted and measured T-lim for the four identified severe-intensity power outputs were not different (P > 0.05), and the aggregated coefficient of variation was 10.7% +/- 8.9%. The derived power outputs at RCPCORR (192 +/- 53 W) and critical power (193 +/- 53 W) were not different (P = 0.65) and highly concordant (CCC = 0.99). There were also no differences between W '(RAMP) and W '(CONSTANT) (P = 0.51). Conclusions: The SRS protocol can accurately predict power outputs to elicit discrete metabolic rates and exercise durations, thus providing, with time efficiency, a high precision for the control of the metabolic stimulus during exercise.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2271-2280
Number of pages10
JournalMedicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023


  • Critical power
  • Exercise intensity domains
  • Lactate threshold
  • Maximal metabolic steady state


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