An Effective Sliding Mode Control Design for a Grid-Connected PUC7 Multilevel Inverter

Hamza Makhamreh*, Mohamed Trabelsi, Osman Kukrer, Haitham Abu-Rub

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47 Citations (Scopus)


This paper proposes an effective sliding mode controller (SMC) for a grid-connected 7-level packed U-cell (PUC7) inverter. The aim is to design a simple controller that deals effectively with the complex control problem of the PUC7 inverter (multiobjective control problem). The selection of the control actions is achieved according to the system state error at every sampling time, regardless of the previous values, which makes the control technique model-independent. The control algorithm evaluates online two cost functions (one for each state error), which are derived on the basis of sliding mode theory, and it selects the optimal control input in order to satisfy the reaching conditions of the two cost functions. Compared with the existing solutions, the proposed SMC technique ensures lower average switching frequency by tuning the hysteresis bandwidth of the capacitor-voltage error. The fast implementation, needless of gains tuning, and simple design procedure are the main features of the proposed algorithm. Simulation and experimental results are presented to prove the effectiveness of the proposed technique in controlling the PUC7 inverter with high dynamic performance and robustness against disturbances and parameters mismatch.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8720224
Pages (from-to)3717-3725
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2020
Externally publishedYes


  • Grid-connected inverter
  • multilevel converter
  • packed U-cell (PUC7) inverter
  • sliding mode (SM) control


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