Architecture of multicast centralized key management scheme using quantum key distribution and classical symmetric encryption

A. F. Metwaly, M. Z. Rashad, F. A. Omara, A. A. Megahed

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51 Citations (Scopus)


Multicasting refers to the transmission of a message or information from one sender to multiple receivers simultaneously. Although encryption algorithms can be used to secure transmitted messages among group members, still there are many security aspects for designing a secured multicast cryptosystem. The most important aspects of Multicasting are key generation and management. The researchers have proposed several approaches for solving problems of multicast key distribution and management. In this paper, a secure key generation and distribution solution has been proposed for a single host sending to two or more (N) receivers using centralized Quantum Multicast Key Distribution Centre "QMKDC" and classical symmetric encryption. The proposed scheme uses symmetric classical algorithms for encryption and decryption transmitted messages among multicast group members, but the generated keys which are used for authentication, encryption and decryption also play an important role for designing a secured multicast cryptosystem come from QKD protocols. Authentication verified using EPR entangled Photons and controlled-NOT gate. Multiple requests for initialization as well for transmitting sensitive information handled through priority and sensitivity levels. Multiple members' communication is achieved with full or partial support of QMKDC.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1711-1728
Number of pages18
JournalEuropean Physical Journal: Special Topics
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2014
Externally publishedYes


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