Clinical Trials on Alternative Medicines for COVID-19

Bassam Ali Jaber, Rizwan Qureshi, Alaa Abd-Alrazaq, Mohammad Azizur Rahman, Mowafa Househ, Zubair Shah, Tanvir Alam*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


In this study, we addressed the alternative medications that have been targeted in the clinical trials (CTs) to be evidenced as an adjuvant treatment against COVID-19. Based on the outcomes from CTs, we found that dietary supplements such as Lactoferrin, and Probiotics (as SivoMixx) can play a role enhancing the immunity thus can be used as prophylactics against COVID-19 infection. Vitamin D was proven as an effective adjuvant treatment against COVID-19, while Vitamin C role is uncertain and needs more investigation. Herbals such as Guduchi Ghan Vati can be used as prophylactic, while Resveratrol can be used to reduce the hospitalization risk of COVID-19 patients. On the contrary, there were no clinical improvements demonstrated when using Cannabidiol. This study is a part of a two-phase research study. In the first phase, we gathered evidence-based information on alternative therapeutics for COVID-19 that are under CT. In the second phase, we plan to build a mobile health application that will provide evidence based alternative therapy information to health consumers.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances in Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare
EditorsJohn Mantas, Parisis Gallos, Emmanouil Zoulias, Arie Hasman, Mowafa S. Househ, Marianna Diomidous, Joseph Liaskos, Martha Charalampidou
PublisherIOS Press BV
Number of pages4
ISBN (Electronic)9781643682907
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Publication series

NameStudies in Health Technology and Informatics
ISSN (Print)0926-9630
ISSN (Electronic)1879-8365


  • Alternative medicine
  • COVID-19
  • Clinical trial
  • Coronavirus


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