Collaborative translation of Wikipedia: with whom do trainee translators collaborate and for what purpose?

Khaled Al-Shehari*, Ali Almanna

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


This study aims to establish a model of collaboration that illustrates the various channels of collaboration that (trainee) translators go through in the course of translation, who they collaborate with, and why they choose to do so. To this end, it draws on an in-depth analysis of 21 medium-length Wikipedia articles translated by undergraduate English/Arabic translation students at Sultan Qaboos University, the Wikipedia ‘talk’ pages of the articles, and the reflective journals kept by the students. The study sets up a model of collaboration in which the translator collaborates with Wikipedia editors, translators, and subject-matter experts for the purpose of producing their translation. The model outlines the aspects of language and translation wherein translators seek collaboration for such Wikipedia article style and formatting and terminology clarification. The study also aims to determine what the students have learned and/or gained from their collaborative experience. The results illustrate that engaging students in discussing translation and language choices with the above-mentioned collaborators can help them produce better translations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)448-464
Number of pages17
JournalInterpreter and Translator Trainer
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Arabic–english translation
  • collaborative learning
  • collaborative translation
  • student journals
  • translation pedagogy
  • wikipedia


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