Complete band gaps in two-dimensional phononic crystal slabs

A. Khelif*, B. Aoubiza, S. Mohammadi, A. Adibi, V. Laude

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404 Citations (Scopus)


The propagation of acoustic waves in a phononic crystal slab consisting of piezoelectric inclusions placed periodically in an isotropic host material is analyzed. Numerical examples are obtained for a square lattice of quartz cylinders embedded in an epoxy matrix. It is found that several complete band gaps with a variable bandwidth exist for elastic waves of any polarization and incidence. In addition to the filling fraction, it is found that a key parameter for the existence and the width of these complete band gaps is the ratio of the slab thickness, d, to the lattice period, a. Especially, we have explored how these absolute band gaps close up as the parameter da•a increases. Significantly, it is observed that the band gaps of a phononic crystal slab are distinct from those of bulk acoustic waves propagating in the plane of an infinite two-dimensional phononic crystal with the same composition. The band gaps of the slab are strongly affected by the presence of cutoff frequency modes that cannot be excited in infinite media.

Original languageEnglish
Article number046610
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Externally publishedYes


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