Fast Transient Stability Assessment of Power Systems Using Optimized Temporal Convolutional Networks

Mohamed Massaoudi*, Tassneem Zamzam, Maymouna Ez Eddin, Ali Ghrayeb, Haitham Abu-Rub, Shady Khalil

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3 Citations (Scopus)


The transient power grid stability is greatly affected by the unpredictability of inverter-based resources of today's interconnected power grids. This article introduces an efficient transient stability status prediction method based on deep temporal convolutional networks (TCNs). A grey wolf optimizer (GWO) is utilized to fine-tune the TCN hyperparameters to improve the proposed model's accuracy. The proposed model provides critical information on the transient grid status in the early stages of fault occurrence, which may lead to taking the proper action. The proposed TCN-GWO uses both synchronously sampled values and synthetic values from various bus systems. In a postfault scenario, a copula of processing blocks is implemented to ensure the reliability of the proposed method where high-importance features are incorporated into the TCN-GWO model. The proposed algorithm unlocks scalability and system adaptability to operational variability by adopting numeric imputation and missing-data-tolerant techniques. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on the 68-bus system and the Northeastern United States 25k-bus synthetic test system with credible contingencies using the PowerWorld simulator. The obtained results prove the enhanced performance of the proposed technique over competitive state-of-the-art transient stability assessment methods under various contingencies with an overall accuracy of 99% within 0.64 s after the fault clearance.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)267-282
Number of pages16
JournalIEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jul 2024


  • Deep learning (DL)
  • grid stability prediction
  • power system dynamics (PSD)
  • time series data
  • transient stability


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