Fracture assessment of polymethyl methacrylate using sharp notched disc bend specimens under mixed mode I + III loading

M. R.M. Aliha*, F. Berto, A. Bahmani, Sh Akhondi, A. Barnoush

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75 Citations (Scopus)


Mixed mode I/III behavior of Perspex (polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)) is studied experimentally and theoretically in this research using a new and simple laboratory test configuration. The specimen is a circular disc containing a sharp V-notch along the diameter that is loaded by the conventional three-point bend fixture. The critical values of notch stress intensity factors (KI V and KIII V) were obtained for the whole combinations of modes I and III simply by changing the notch inclination angle relative to the loading rollers. The value of notch fracture toughness under pure or dominantly tension loads was greater than its corresponding value under mode III or dominantly torsion loads. The experimental results were also predicted very well by employing the local strain energy density (SED) criterion.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)355-364
Number of pages10
JournalPhysical Mesomechanics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • PMMA
  • SED criterion
  • mixed mode I/III loading
  • notch fracture toughness


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