Is it Contagious? Does Parents’ Internet Addiction Impact Their Adolescents’ Internet Addiction?

Khansa Chemnad*, Sameha Alshakhsi, Sanaa Al-Harahsheh, Azza O. Abdelmoneium, Maryam S. Al-Khalaf, Ahmed Baghdady, Raian Ali*

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14 Citations (Scopus)


Extensive research has shown various family factors such as low family cohesion, and limited parental supervision to be associated with adolescent Internet addiction (IA). There has been little discussion about the relationship between parental IA and adolescent IA. The purpose of this study was to determine whether parental IA and parental monitoring of digital technology use interpret IA in their adolescents. The current study was carried out with 168 parents of adolescents, predominantly female parents. They reported demographics and how often they monitored their adolescent’s Internet usage and responded to the Internet Addiction Diagnostic Questionnaire (IADQ) and Parental Version of Young Diagnostic Questionnaire (PYDQ). The two scales, IADQ and PYDQ, comprise of eight binary questions, each representing a symptom of IA. Multiple regression and Chi-square were used for statistical analysis. The multiple regression model showed that parents’ gender, employment status, frequency of monitoring of time spent on the Internet, and activities performed on the Internet by adolescents were not significant predictors of PYDQ. Parents’ IADQ scores and the frequency of serious arguments with their adolescents about excessive Internet use were positive and significant predictors of PYDQ. Adolescents were more likely to be dependent Internet users when their parents were also dependent Internet users. Seven of the eight IA symptoms in parents were associated with the related symptoms in adolescents. These results suggest that family counseling programs shall not only focus on dealing with adolescents but help parents demonstrate constructive and balanced digital habits and become positive role models themselves. Serious arguments on excessive Internet use predicted IA in adolescents. In light of our results, it may be beneficial for parents to play a role model in technology use and have more productive discussions with their adolescents about it. The results also signify the need for better knowledge and literacy in communicating with adolescents about excessive Internet use.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1691-1711
Number of pages21
JournalSocial Science Computer Review
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Adolescent internet addiction
  • Parent internet addiction
  • Parental monitoring
  • Problematic internet use


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