Kinetics of the removal of basic dye from effluent using silica

F. Alexander, G. McKay

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

23 Citations (Scopus)


The paper assesses the ability of Sorbsil silica gel as an adsorbent for a commonly used basic dye, namely Astrazone Blue FRR69. Part I discusses results of batch experiments. Part II details fluidised bed experiments. After describing materials and methods used, conclusions are presented. Silica has a high adsorptive capacity for the basic dye Astrazone Blue in a fluidised bed system. A fluidised bed overcomes the problems of excessive pressure drops which occur across fixed beds of small silica particles. (10 references).

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
VolumeNo. 319
Specialist publicationChemical Engineer (London)
Publication statusPublished - 1977
Externally publishedYes


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