Multidatabase atomic commitment protocols: A taxonomy and unified approach

Ahmed Khalifa Elmagarmid, James G. Mullen

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review


Atomic commitment deals with the problem of ensuring that either all or none of the subtransactions of a multi-system transaction are made permanent. Atomic commitment is made difficult in multidatabase systems due to component system autonomy, which not only makes the implementation of correct atomic commitment protocols more difficult, but also can decrease the acceptability of blocking. Various levels of support for commitment may be provided by the different component systems in a multidatabase system, and this paper addresses the issue of providing atomic commitment in such an environment. A taxonomy of multidatabase atomic commitment methods is provided. This taxonomy is used to develop a subtransaction taxonomy, which is used in conjunction with an execution model to define the types of multidatabase transactions that are committable, and to construct a unified multidatabase atomic commitment protocol.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1993
Externally publishedYes


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