Abbaneo, D, Abbas, M, Abbrescia, M, Abdelalim, AA, Abi Akl, M, Ahmed, W, Ahmed, W, Altieri, P, Aly, R, Asawatangtrakuldee, C, Ashfaq, A, Aspell, P, Assran, Y, Awan, I, Bally, S, Ban, Y, Banerjee, S, Barria, P, Benussi, L, Bhopatkar, V, Bianco, S, Bos, J
, Bouhali, O, Braibant, S, Buontempo, S, Calabria, C, Caponero, M, Caputo, C, Cassese, F, Castaneda, A, Cauwenbergh, S, Cavallo, FR, Celik, A, Choi, M, Choi, K, Choi, S, Christiansen, J, Cimmino, A, Colafranceschi, S, Colaleo, A, Conde Garcia, A, Dabrowski, MM, De Lentdecker, G, De Oliveira, R, De Robertis, G, Dildick, S, Dorney, B, Elmetenawee, W, Fabrice, G, Ferrini, M, Ferry, S, Giacomelli, P, Gilmore, J, Guiducci, L, Gutierrez, A, Hadjiiska, RM, Hassan, A, Hauser, J, Hoepfner, K, Hohlmann, M, Hoorani, H, Jeng, YG, Kamon, T, Karchin, PE, Kim, HS, Krutelyov, S, Kumar, A, Lee, J, Lenzi, T, Litov, L, Loddo, F, Maerschalk, T, Magazzu, G, Maggi, M, Maghrbi, Y, Magnani, A, Majumdar, N, Mal, PK, Mandal, K, Marchioro, A, Marinov, A, Merlin, JA, Mohanty, AK, Mohapatra, A, Muhammad, S, Mukhopadhyay, S, Naimuddin, M, Nuzzo, S, Oliveri, E, Pant, LM, Paolucci, P, Park, I, Passeggio, G, Pavlov, B, Philipps, B, Phipps, M, Piccolo, D, Postema, H, Pugliese, G, Puig Baranac, A, Radi, A, Radogna, R, Raffone, G, Ramkrishna, S, Ranieri, A, Riccardi, C, Rodrigues, A, Ropelewski, L, Roychowdhury, S, Ryu, MS, Ryu, G, Safonov, A, Sakharov, A, Salva, S, Saviano, G, Sharma, A, Swain, SK, Talvitie, JP, Tamma, C, Tatarinov, A, Turini, N, Tuuva, T, Twigger, J, Tytgat, M, Vai, I, Van Stenis, M, Venditi, R, Verhagen, E, Verwilligen, P, Vitulo, P, Wang, D, Wang, M, Yang, U, Yang, Y, Yonamine, R, Zaganidis, N, Zenoni, F & Zhang, A 2016,
Performance of a large-area GEM detector prototype for the upgrade of the CMS muon endcap system. in
2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2014., 7431249, 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2014, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2014, Seattle, United States,