Rational synthesis of MOF-Derived Cobalt-Based binary selenides nanocrystals for electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction

Faozia N. Al-Shaibah, Mariam A.A. Ibrahim, Aymen S. Abu Hatab, Ahmed Abotaleb, Alessandro Sinopoli, Atef Zekri, Yahia H. Ahmad*, Siham Y. Al-Qaradawi

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Water splitting is considered as one of the key reactions in energy conversion and storage. In this context, development of low-cost durable electrocatalysts for water splitting, in particular, oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is of utmost importance. Herein, we report the synthesis of Co-based selenides, i.e., Co-Se, NiCo-Se, FeCoSe and MoCo-Se via the synthesis of hybrid MOF nanostructures, followed by hydrothermal process. Among them, CoMo-Se exhibited superior electrocatalytic activity towards OER in 1 M KOH solution compared to other catalyst and benchmark IrO2. For example, it exhibited an overpotential (ti10) of 268 mV at a current density of 10 mA cm- 2 , whereas the recorded values for CoFe-Se, CoNi-Se, Co-Se and IrO2 were 312, 346, 374 and 311 mV, respectively at the same current density. In the same context, CoMo-Se revealed a Tafel slope of 55.6 mV decade- 1 , while the calculated values for CoFe-Se, CoNi-Se, Co-Se and IrO2 were 60.4, 97.9, 85.4 and 81.6 mV decade- 1 , respectively. The superior catalytic performance of CoMo-Se was attributed to its unique porous architecture with high electrochemical active surface area (ECSA), enhanced electrical conductivity, high value of double layer capacitance (Cdl) and the high content of Co3+. This work provides a feasible route for designing MOF-derived bimetallic selenides for the energy conversion and storage applications.
Original languageEnglish
Article number162479
Number of pages12
JournalApplied Surface Science
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2025


  • Bimetallic selenides
  • Cobalt-based electrocatalysts
  • Metal organic framework-derived catalyst
  • Oxygen evolution reaction


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