Robust channel esimaton and schedulng for heterogeneous muluser masve MIMO sysems

Sinh Le Hong Nguyen, Tho Le-Ngoc, Ai Ghrayeb

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


We consder a correlated muluser (MU) massive mulple-input mulple-output (MIMO) downlink channel n which many heterogeneous users have derent channel qualies (e., dierent path-oses) to a base staton (BS) equipped wih a arge antenna array. Ung he theory of extreme values of regularly varying functions, we characterize the scaling laws of he achievable sum-rate of the sysem, when both numbers of BS antennas and users grow arge. We then prove that for a large number of users, a simple uer schedulng that chooses the uers wih the largest insantaneous channel vector norms based on the global channel sate informaton (CSI) can significanty mprove he achievable sysem sum-rate. Finally, since he schedulng method needs the global CSI esmate to operate, we propose an efficient algorithm based on ow-rank matrix approximaton o esmate the global CSI wh a moderate number of trainng signals. Analyss and numerical simulatons show hat the proposed scheme provides favourable results in terms of system sum-rate performance and computatonal complexity.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication20th European Wireless Conference, EW 2014
PublisherVDE Verlag GmbH
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)9783800736218
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes
Event20th European Wireless Conference, EW 2014 - Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 14 May 201416 May 2014

Publication series

Name20th European Wireless Conference, EW 2014


Conference20th European Wireless Conference, EW 2014


  • Channel esimaton
  • Low-ank approximaton
  • Massive MIMO
  • Regularly varying
  • User schedulng


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