Simulation of Phase Change Material Absorbers for Passive Cooling of Solar Systems

Abdelhakim Hassabou, Rima J. Isaifan*

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    3 Citations (Scopus)


    One of the main challenges that face the reliable use of photovoltaic solar systems in hot arid regions is the prevailing high temperatures during the day. To overcome this issue, Phase Change Materials (PCM) are used for passive cooling providing different options to attain sufficient thermal management solutions for different applications. Passive cooling can be achieved by adjusting a heat sink to the solar PV module. This can be realized by attaching a PCM layer or sensible heat storage to the backside of PV panels. Few studies have reported on simplified modeling and numerical procedures using the apparent heat capacity formulation and volume averaging technique as a robust approach to solving such sophisticated problems with minimal computational efforts, high accuracy, and in a short period of time. However, there is still a need to bridge the large-scale gap between the macroscale within the PCM layer, with a moving melting front, and the length scale of PV modules. Hence, this work focuses on modeling and simulating PCM-Matrix Absorbers (PCM-MA) that consist of fibrous aluminum cellular structure filled with PCM for passive thermal management of PV panels using apparent heat capacity formulation and homogenization based on volume averaging technique. COMSOL Multiphysics FEM software was used for the numerical simulation of the phase change problem by using a Smoothed Heaviside step function to overcome the singularity of PCM challenge that arises with sharp melting temperatures. To validate the proposed model, it has been compared with a benchmark analytical solution for an ice melting problem, i.e., the Stefan problem, in a semi-finite slab, i.e., Neumann’s solution under the same assumptions and boundary conditions. The specific characteristics of phase change and evolution of melting front with time, heat capacity change with the temperature at different times, and with locations along the slab height are presented. As the phase change is modeled to take place over a mushy region, i.e., a narrow temperature interval rather than a sharp melting point, the results show a good coincidence of the heat capacity profile and its peak at different times and locations. The validated model can be used for the optimization of PCM-MA for any specific geographical location and other applications such as the passive cooling of buildings with PCM integrated with the outer envelope. To this end, the results of the simulation in this work are shown to be in agreement with those obtained from the analytical solution.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number9288
    Number of pages17
    Issue number24
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022


    • Passive cooling
    • Pcm
    • Solar power
    • Thermal energy storage
    • Thermal management
    • solar PV efficiency


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