Surface Layer Modification by Cryogenic Burnishing of Al 7050- T7451 Alloy With Near Ultra-Fine Grained Structure

B. Huang, Y. Kaynak*, Y. Sun, M. K. Khraisheh, I. S. Jawahir

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Burnishing has been increasingly utilized to improve the surface integrity of manufactured components. The generation of surface and subsurface layers with ultrafine grains, attributed to severe plastic deformation (SPD) and dynamic recrystallization (DRX), leads to improved surface integrity characteristics including surface and subsurface hardness and reduction in surface roughness. Additionally, due to the generation of compressive stresses within the refined layers, increase in fatigue life and improved wear and corrosion resistance can be achieved. In this study, we apply cryogenic burnishing on Al 7050-T7451 discs and compare the surface integrity characteristics with dry conventional burnishing. A special roller burnishing tool with flexible rotating roller head was designed and used to perform the cryogenic burnishing experiments using liquid nitrogen as the coolant. The results show that cryogenic burnishing can increase the surface hardness by an average of 20-30% within a layer depth of 200 μm compared with only 5-10% increase using dry conventional burnishing. Refined layers with nano grain structure were also generated. During cryogenic burnishing, the tangential burnishing forces were higher than those of dry conventional burnishing due to rapid cooling and work hardening of the material.

Original languageEnglish
Article number031002
JournalJournal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • cryogenic burnishing
  • nontraditional manufacturing processes
  • process engineering
  • severe plastic deformation
  • surface integrity
  • ultrafine microstructure


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