The use of technology in tracking soccer players' health performance: A scoping review

Jassim Almulla*, Abdulrahman Takiddin, Mowafa Househ

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Quantifying soccer players' performance using different types of technologies helps coaches in making tactical decisions and maintaining players' health. Little is known about the relation between the performance measuring technologies and the metrics they measure. The aim of this study is to identify and group the different types of technologies that are used to track the health-related performance metrics of soccer players. Methods: We conducted a systematic search for articles using IEEE Xplore, PubMed, ACM DL, and papers from the Sports Medicine Journal. The papers were screened and extracted by two reviewers. The included papers had to fall under several criteria, including being about soccer, measuring health-related performance, and using technology to measure players' performance. A total of 1,113 papers were reviewed and 1,069 papers were excluded through the selection process. Results: We reviewed 44 papers and grouped them based on the technology used and health-related metrics tracked. In terms of technology, we categorized the used technologies into wearable technologies (N=27/44) and in-field technologies (N=14/44). We categorized the tracked health-related metrics into physiological metrics (N=16/44) and physical metrics (N=44/44). We found out that wearable technologies are mainly used to track physical metrics (N=27/27) and are also used to track physiological metrics (N=14/27). In-field technologies are only used to track physical metrics (N=24/24). Conclusion: Understanding how technology is related to players' performance and how it is used leads to an improvement in the monitoring process and performance outcomes of the players.

Original languageEnglish
Article number184
JournalBMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 11 Aug 2020


  • Health
  • Performance
  • Player
  • Soccer
  • Technology


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