Transediting the Self: Transadaptation for Dubbing into Arabic in an Educational Context

Malak Latrous, Ashraf Fattah, Rashid Yahiaoui

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This exploratory study investigates the reasons behind translation shifts that occurred on audiovisual texts transadapted for dubbing into Arabic. It uncovers the changes in participants’ various transadapted versions, the reasons behind them, and to what degree their transediting affects the function of the source text and the conveyance of the message. Stetting’s (1989) ‘Areas of Transediting’ and the issue of ‘dubbing technical constraints: synchrony’ were the focus of the contrastive analysis between the source texts, target texts, and the various transadapted versions of the corpus. Given that the case study was carried out in an educational context where participants study audiovisual translation, the researchers had access to students’ personal reflections on the transediting process. The findings reveal that in addition to Stetting’s transediting areas, technical transediting played an important role in the participants’ decisions making while transadapting for dubbing into Arabic
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Social Sciences and Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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