Two-phase flow visualization for a hybrid heat sink

Danish Rahman, Ahmad Almomani, Ibrahim Hassan, Yasser Al-Hamidi, Aziz Rahman

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


This paper aimed to study two-phase flow under adiabatic conditions through the process of flow visualization. This was done through the use of a test section with a cross flow and a jet impingement (swirl jet). The flow regimes under different air-water flow rates were determined using a high-speed camera that recorded digital videos. For each of the flow rates the pressure differential between the inlet and the outlets were measured. Through the pressure drop it is proposed that the types of flow regimes may later be able to be predicted. Nine air-water flow rates were considered to collect data and generate a flow map for the impingement jet and cross flow. The major observed flow regimes within the crossflow and impingement jet followed the predicted trend with bubbly and plug flow in the former, and slug flow in the latter. It was further observed that increasing the air flow rate increased the likelihood of bubbly and plug flow in both the cross-flow and impingement jet. In the cross flow, a lower air flow rate resulted in bubbly flow while within the impingement jet, a lower air flow rate resulted in slug flow.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFluid Machinery; Erosion, Slurry, Sedimentation; Experimental, Multiscale, and Numerical Methods for Multiphase Flows; Gas-Liquid, Gas-Solid, and Liquid-Solid Flows; Performance of Multiphase Flow Systems; Micro/Nano-Fluidics
PublisherAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
ISBN (Electronic)9780791851579
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Externally publishedYes
EventASME 2018 5th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM 2018 - Montreal, Canada
Duration: 15 Jul 201820 Jul 2018

Publication series

NameAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FEDSM
ISSN (Print)0888-8116


ConferenceASME 2018 5th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM 2018


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