Walking around the preferred speed: examination of metabolic, perceptual, spatiotemporal and stability parameters

Lina Majed, Rony Ibrahim, Merilyn Jean Lock, Georges Jabbour

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Walking is the most accessible and common type of physical activity. Exercising at one's self-selected intensity could provide long-term benefits as compared to following prescribed intensities. The aim of this study was to simultaneously examine metabolic, perceptual, spatiotemporal and stability parameters at an absolute 3 km center dot h-1 speed range around the individual preferred walking speed (PWS). Thirty-four young sedentary adults (18 women) volunteered to walk at seven speeds relative to their PWS in 3-min trials interspaced with 3-min rest intervals. Results indicated a significant main effect of speed on all studied variables. While metabolic, perceptual and spatiotemporal values were sensitive to the smallest change in speed (i.e., 0.5 km center dot h-1), a significant increase in the rate of carbohydrate oxidation and decrease in %fat oxidation were only observed at speeds above PWS. Results also revealed significantly higher coefficients of variation for stride characteristics at speeds below PWS only. Moreover, analyses of best fit models showed a quadratic relationship between most variables and speed, with the exceptions of metabolic cost of transport, rating of perceived exertion and stride duration that changed exponentially with speed. PWS coincided with optimized mechanical efficiency, fuel oxidation and gait stability. This indicated that walking below PWS decreased both mechanical efficiency and stability of gait, while walking above PWS increased carbohydrate oxidation. Those factors seem to play an important role as determinants of PWS. We suggest that walking at PWS may provide benefits in terms of fat oxidation while optimizing gait stability.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1357172
Number of pages13
JournalFrontiers in Physiology
Publication statusPublished - 9 Feb 2024


  • Energy expenditure
  • Exercise
  • Fuel oxidation
  • Gait
  • Perceived exertion
  • Self-selected intensity
  • Stability
  • Stride parameters


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