Water-Catalyzed Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species from NO2 on a Weakly Hydrated Calcite Surface

Ziao Liu, Alessandro Sinopoli, Joseph S. Francisco*, Ivan Gladich*

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The interfaces of weakly hydrated mineral substrates have been shown to serve as catalytic sites for chemical reactions that may not be accessible in the gas phase or under bulk conditions. Currently known mechanisms for the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from nitrogen dioxide (NO2) involve NO2 dimerization. Here, we report the formation of the ROS HONO via a mechanism involving simple adsorption of a single NO2 molecule on a weakly hydrated calcite substrate. First-principles molecular dynamics simulations coupled with enhanced sampling techniques show how an adsorbed water sublayer can enhance NO2 adsorption on calcite compared to adsorption on a bare dry substrate. On the weakly hydrated calcite surface, an interfacial electric field facilitates proton extraction from water, thus allowing HONO formation from a single adsorbed NO2, i.e., without the need for the formation of a NO2 dimer precomplex. HONO formation on calcite is kinetically more favorable than that in the gas phase, with a reaction barrier of 14 kcal/mol on the weakly hydrated calcite surface compared to 27 kcal/mol in the gas phase. Further photocatalysed HONO production by visible light and HONO dissociation are hampered on calcite, unlike the process on silica. NO2 is a significant anthropogenic pollutant, and understanding its chemistry is crucial for explaining the high ROS levels and haze formation in polluted areas or prebiotic ROS generation. These findings emphasize how mineral substrates under water-restricted hydration conditions can trigger chemical pathways that are unexpected in the gas phase or under bulk conditions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)17898-17907
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
Issue number26
Early online dateJun 2024
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jun 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • Acid synthesis
  • Adsorbed water
  • Gas-phase
  • Heterogeneous hydrolysis
  • Mineral dust
  • N2o4
  • Nitric-acid
  • Nitrogen-dioxide
  • Room-temperature
  • Theoretical approach


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